Sunday, September 21, 2014

The Mean Red

"You know those days when you get the mean reds? Suddenly you're afraid and you don't know what you're afraid of!"-Breakfast at Tiffany's

I loved this little bit of the film. Because it's totally true. Some days you just wake up and nothing seems sure or safe. And the only explanation is fear but with no real reason. I, however, have plenty of reasons why I feel this way, or why I feel it's necessary for a drink especially when you've just got off a 12 hour shift at work on a Sunday when it's gorgeous outside and you're locked in a kitchen!

Necessity if the mother of invention, and so...desperately needing a fancy drink, but unable to go out for one, I came up with this magic potion with what I had in the fridge.
And I've adequately baptized it as: The Mean Red

Ingredients on hand: Absolut Raspberry, Grenadine, 
Bauza Ice (chilean version of Smirnoff Ice), and Raspberries.

After a long day of work or a simple when you got the "mean reds" and you feel like all you want to do is lie in bed and cry...mix this little number up and it'll make all the difference! (Granted, it's no trip to Tiffany's, but after a glass of this, it's a close second!)

2 shots Absolute Raspberry
2 Shots Grenadine
Spoonful of crushed raspberries
Top up with Smirnoff Ice or equivalent bubbly drink.

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